Formed in 1935, Australian Funeral Directors Association (AFDA) is the only national funeral service organisation with Member firms in every State and Territory. AFDA is a public company, limited by guarantee, that is administered by an elected Board with a National Office and six Divisional Offices.
AFDA Member firms are chosen by more than 60% of families to provide funeral arrangements for their loved ones. AFDA is widely recognised as the authoritative voice on all funeral matters and its key objective is to optimise the funeral experience and ensure quality delivery of service to the wider community by enhancing and promoting professional funeral standards.
Why Choose an AFDA Member?
AFDA Members and the AFDA Trademark represent security, care and professional service. AFDA Members are bound by a strict Code of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct designed to meet both community needs and expectations in all aspects of service delivery. The Code is a reassurance to the community of sincere care and professional service, particularly at a time of uncertainty and distress for grieving families and relatives.
Code of Ethics
Members of the Australian Funeral Directors Association agree to honour the spirit and provisions of the Code and as subscribers to the Code to hereby affirm and accept willingly the responsibilities and privileges that are implied by membership of the Association.
- To maintain in all matters the highest standards of business, professional and personal conduct.
- To respect in all circumstances the confidentiality and trust placed in us by our clients and members of the public.
- To ensure that staff is qualified and competent.
- To ensure that facilities are adequate for all services rendered to the community.
- To provide information concerning the range of services available, the prices of these services, and the functions and responsibilities accepted on behalf of our clients.
- To give a written estimate of all funeral charges and disbursements to be made on a client’s behalf at the time of taking instructions, or as soon as is practicable.
- To respect the personal choice of clients and have regard for their diversity of beliefs in religious and cultural practices.
- To ensure that all advertising is in good taste and directed to informing the public.
- To be thoroughly conversant with the laws of the land as they apply to funeral service and allied industries and professions.
- To provide access to a client advisory service with conciliation and arbitration arrangements available to help resolve any disputes which arise between members and their clients.
Code of Conduct
Each area begins with an Ethical Principle that sets forth the goals and ideals of the profession. The Ethical Principle is followed by the applicable sections of the AFDA Code of Professional Conduct which lists specific types of conduct that is either required or prohibited.
Ethical Principles are goals that every funeral professional should strive to achieve. They serve as the justification for the specific requirements of the Code of Professional
Conduct. Both the Ethical Principles & the Code of Professional Conduct is binding upon every AFDA Funeral Director and violations may subject the Funeral Director to disciplinary action in accordance with individual State Regulations.
It is the duty of every AFDA Funeral Director to know and strictly adhere to the requirements of the AFDA Code of Professional Conduct for the protection of the families served, the deceased that are cared for, the profession that Funeral Directors dedicate themselves to, the communities in which they live & the importance of their membership of the AFDA and adherence to its Code of Professional Conduct.
Ethical Principle:
Funeral Directors have an ethical obligation to serve each family in a professional and caring manner, being respectful of their wishes and confidences, being honest and fair in all dealings with them and willingly provide professional and quality service to every person’s stature within our community and to families of all socio-economic means.
1a) Funeral Directors shall provide funeral services to families without regard to religion, race, colour, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability or cause of death.
1b) Funeral Directors shall comply with all applicable Federal or State Laws or regulations relating to the prearrangement and prepayment of funeral services or merchandise.
1c) Funeral Directors shall understand and comply with all applicable Federal and/or State legislation regarding the legal right to enact funerals and the release of deceased.
1d) Funeral Directors shall not use any funeral merchandise that has been previously used.
1e) Funeral Directors shall protect confidential information pertaining to the deceased or the family of the deceased from disclosure.
1f) Funeral Directors shall carry out all aspects of the funeral service in a competent and respectful manner.
1g) Funeral Directors shall properly account for and remit any monies, documents, or personal property that belongs to others that comes into the Funeral Directors possession.
1h) Funeral Directors shall not engage in any unprofessional conduct of a character likely to deceive, defraud or harm the families they serve in the course of providing professional services.
Ethical Principle:
Funeral Directors have an ethical obligation to care for each deceased person with the highest respect and dignity, and to transport, prepare and shelter the remains in a professional, caring and secure manner.
2a)All deceased persons shall be treated with proper care and dignity during transfer from the place of death, while in the care of the funeral director and during subsequent transportation of the remains.
2b) Only authorised personnel of the funeral home or those persons authorised by the family shall be in attendance during the preparation of the remains.
2c) All deceased persons in the preparation room shall be treated with proper care and dignity and shall be respectfully covered at all times.
2d) Funeral Directors shall not transport, hold or carry out the disposition of human remains without all permits andauthorisations required by law.
2e) Funeral Directors shall not violate any statute, ordinance, or regulation affecting the handling, custody, care or transportation of human remains.
2f) Funeral Directors shall not knowingly dispose of parts of human remains that are received with the body by the funeral home in a manner different from that used for the final disposition of the body, unless the person authorising the method of final disposition gives permission that the body part may be disposed of in a manner different from the disposition of the body.
2g) Only personal items relating to the deceased, or as directed by the family, will be placed inside the coffin.
Ethical Principle:
Funeral Directors have an ethical obligation to the public to offer their services and to operate their businesses in accordance with the highest principles of honesty, fair dealing and professionalism.
3a) Funeral Directors shall not engage in any unprofessional conduct which is likely to defraud or deceive the public.
3b) Funeral Directors shall not engage in false or misleading advertising.
3c) Funeral Directors shall not personally or through an agent or employee solicit deceased human remains, whether the solicitation occurs after death or while death is imminent; provided, however, that general advertising directed to the public at large would not constitute a violation of this section.
3d) Funeral Directors shall not pay or offer to pay a commission or anything of value to third parties, such as medical personnel, nursing home and hospice organisations or employees, clergy, government officials or others, to secure deceased human remains for funeral or disposition services.
3e) Funeral Directors shall not use alcohol or drugs to the extent that such use adversely impacts the funeral directors ability to carry out his or her obligation as a funeral professional.
Ethical Principle:
Funeral Directors have an ethical obligation to maintain strict compliance with the letter and spirit of all governmental laws and regulations that impact the funeral consumer, the funeral profession, and the public health.
4a) Funeral Directors shall not knowingly make or file false records or reports in the practice of funeral service.
4b) Funeral Directors shall comply with all Federal, State or local laws, rules or regulations governing or impacting the practice of funeral service.
4c) Funeral Directors shall comply with all Federal, State or local laws, rules or regulations that were enacted to protect consumers.
4d) Funeral Directors shall comply with all Federal, State or local laws, rules or regulations that were enacted to protect the environment.