Writing a Eulogy
Where do I start?
Firstly, it is an honour to be asked to deliver a eulogy and while it may seem like a daunting task most people find it a positive experience and a way to personally say goodbye.
Things to consider when writing a eulogy:
- Audience – who will be attending
- Tone – a eulogy doesn’t always have to be serious, the tone may depend on the personality of the deceased, as well as their age when they died
- Content – you could use a timeline of their life highlighting significant milestones or provide a personal view with stories or anecdotes, or a combination of the two
- Gathering ideas – if you’re stuck for ideas, speak to other people who knew them well to gather stories and anecdotes, or look through old photos, emails or personal items
- Flow – organise your speech so it has a beginning, middle and an end
- Review and practice – make sure you review and make any changes then practice reading it out loud
A eulogy is your chance to farewell your family member or friend and to show the relationship that you had with them. If you are yourself and true to the relationship that you had together then it will be a wonderful tribute to your loved one.